Azure Biceps

Process of Creating Azure biceps template of resources created using Portal or other form

Export template from a resource group

az group export --name demoGroup > exportedtemplate.json

To export more than one resource, pass the space-separated resource IDs. To export all resources, don’t specify this argument or supply “*”.

az group export --resource-group <resource-group-name> --resource-ids $storageAccountID1 $storageAccountID2

To decompile ARM template JSON to Bicep, use:

az bicep decompile --file exportedtemplate.json

The decompiled bicep template may not be perfect, so need to be validated before actually using

Do a dry run

az deployment group what-if --name my-deployment-name --resource-group rg-test --template-file template.bicep --parameters parameters.json 

It may throw errors like this

Warning no-hardcoded-location: A resource location should not use a hard-coded string or variable value. Please use a parameter value, an expression, or the string 'global'. Found: 'eastus' []
Warning no-hardcoded-location: A resource location should not use a hard-coded string or variable value. Please use a parameter value, an expression, or the string 'global'. Found: 'eastus' []
Warning adminusername-should-not-be-literal: Property 'adminUserName' should not use a literal value. Use a param instead. Found literal string value "azureuser" []
 Warning no-hardcoded-location: A resource location should not use a hard-coded string or variable value. Please use a parameter value, an expression, or the string 'global'. Found: 'eastus' []

In such case you need to edit the biceps file to include variable parameters

param location string = 'eastus'
param azureuser string = 'azureuser'

Replace these strings across the template, then try again.

If it throws no error then deploy it

az deployment group create --name my-deployment-name --resource-group rg-test --template-file template.bicep --parameters parameters.json 

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